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Who Was that Masked Economist?


  Special Announcement: Today, the Wall Street Journal published an important op-ed entitled [TBA]. Read it here: [TBA] — I’ll send you the title and the link later this evening when it is posted online. “The uniform, constant, and uninterrupted effort of every man to better his condition is frequently powerful enough to maintain the […]

Are You FED Up with Chairman Powell?


“Never fight the Fed.” — Larry Kudlow (Maxims of Wall Street, p. 219)  “Don’t fight the Fed — fear the Fed.” — Michael Sincere, MarketWatch (Maxims of Wall Street, p. 150) The two-month rally on Wall Street ended abruptly last week when Fed chairman Jay Powell doubled down on the inflation threat and warned additional pain was […]

Elon Musk Made me a Millionaire… Is Joe Biden Next?


“You have to go out on a limb sometimes because that’s where the nuts are.” — Will Rogers (Maxims of Wall Street, p. 52) Yes, it’s true, Elon Musk’s electric car company made me a millionaire. Tesla stock has risen 1,200% in just five years, pushing my mutual fund (which has a huge position in Tesla) in my IRA […]

Take This Poll: Who Will Save the Republic?


Take This Poll: Who Will Save the Republic?   “I am apprehensive that the government of these states may in future times end in a monarchy, and a King will be set over us.” — Benjamin Franklin Please take the anonymous poll at the end of this column. Thanks.  Last week the Biden administration brazenly rammed […]

Is the Recession Over? Is the Bear Market Over? This New Statistic Tells All


“GDP is the X-ray of the economy; GO is the CAT-scan.” — Steve Forbes Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published my op ed, “Recession Fears May Not Pass GO.” The Journal editors have published four of my articles on gross output (GO). They recognize it’s a vital new statistic that everyone should know about. If you […]

Subscribe to Five Star Trader

Five Star Trader focuses on smart beta stocks. “Beta” measures volatility, while “smart beta” investing analyzes that volatility for massive gains and less risk. And by “massive,” we mean wins returning 15.2x your money. In addition to the inherent advantages of smart beta investing, each of Dr. Mark Skousen’s recommended plays must adhere to 5 core principles that serve as the service’s foundation. Learn what these 5 core principles are today.

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. Biden’s #1 Threat to Your Wealth and Liberty


“He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out of their substance.” — Declaration of Independence (1776) Last week, Senator Joe Manchin, the long-time dissenter from the radical Biden agenda, caved and decided to support the Biden-Schumer $370 billion boondoggle which carries the […]

The Biggest Game in Town: The Profits Keep on Coming


  Meeting with Ambassador Ron Spogli and President Emeritus Jim Doti in front of the Adam Smith statue at Chapman University.   […]

Five Big Debates at FreedomFest: Which Was #1?


You Blew It! The Use and Abuse of Foul Language “The subject skims the joy off the pan of conversation.” — John Steinbeck Every year, we invite a celebrity to speak at FreedomFest. Past celebrities have included William Shatner, George Foreman and Kevin O’Leary.  This year, our celebrity was the English actor, comedian and producer John […]

Big FreedomFest Debate: Who’s Really Responsible for Chronic Deficits?


“More recently, the emphasis has been on government expenditures as a balance wheel.  Unfortunately, the balance wheel is unbalanced.” — Milton Friedman One of the big debates at this week’s FreedomFest is on supply-side economics and the Laffer curve. It pits Ben Stein against Art Laffer. In fact, the debate will take place today at […]

Are Friedman and Hayek Villains or Heroes?


“Yet the award [the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics] documented the beginning of a great shift toward a renewal in the belief in the superiority of markets…the eventual victory of this viewpoint was really a tale of two cities — Vienna and Chicago.” — Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, The Commanding Heights (1998) “Hayek, Friedman, […]

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