Investor CAFÉ Newsletters

Danger Ahead: Will We Have a ‘V-Shaped’ Recovery or a ‘K-Disaster’?


In last night’s political debate, an issue came up. Will we have a “V-shaped” recovery or a ‘K-disaster’? President Donald Trump said that he expects the economy to continue to recover, and for the stock market to head higher, resulting in his reelection. It may be wishful thinking. His opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, […]

This One Investment Survived the Bloodbath


  Stocks have been down almost every day in September, the toughest month for investors. The market is down 10% this month. There are plenty of reasons. The markets hate uncertainty, and we’re getting plenty of uncertainty as we head into the November elections. If Trump and the Republicans hold onto controlling the White House and the Senate, […]

Love the Market You Fear the Most


I will be teaching a new class at Chapman University during the coming semester called “Puzzles and Paradoxes in Economics and Finance.” One example of a financial puzzle is known as the “Greed-Fear” Paradox. It seems that investors are schizophrenic when it comes to the U.S. tech sector. According to the Bank of America’s latest global fund […]

Beware of Panic Attacks


One of the greatest truths on Wall Street was confirmed in the past few days: “The stock market takes the stairs up and the elevator down.” September is famous for being the riskiest time of the year for investors, even more so than October and, so far, it has lived up to its reputation. After a blistering […]

Why Isn’t Tesla in the S&P 500?! Better to Invest in My Favorite Active Mutual Fund


“You can’t beat an index fund if you are trying to beat the market at all times, and most people are trying to do that.” — Ron Baron Ever since John Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group of Funds, created the first index fund, investors have debated whether they should invest in a no-load, low-cost index fund […]

The Greatest Threat to Your Wealth Today: “Crater Lake” Speech II


“What is the greatest threat to your investments? Inflation.” — Paul Abbott (p. 148, The Maxims of Wall Street) In the summer of 1984, my wife and I visited Crater Lake in Southern Oregon, one of the seven wonders of the world. As the nation’s deepest lake, it is breathtaking to behold. (See photo.) [show photo of […]

Which is Better for the Stock Market, Republicans or Democrats?


Which is Better for the Stock Market, Republicans or Democrats?   By Mark Skousen   On Aug. 19, I moderated a debate between Steve Moore and Peter Schiff at the MoneyShow Virtual Expo. At one point, I raised the question of “who’s better for the stock market, a Republican or Democratic president?” On its surface, […]

Will the Stock Market Boom or Collapse Under Biden/Harris?


I gasped when I saw the headline in the Wall Street Journal: “Get Ready for the Biden Stock Boom,” written by Ed Finn, former editor and president of Barron’s. Bob Bleiberg, the editor of Barron’s before him, must be rolling over in his grave. Finn somehow claims that the market will simply ignore the impact of massive tax increases by […]

Better Odds Than Vegas: Penny Mining Stocks!


“Mining stocks can be a gold mine in an up market but a land mine in a down market.” — Mark Skousen (“Maxims of Wall Street,” p. 153) “You’ve endured the pain, why not enjoy the gain?” — Rick Rule (p. 153) Gold and silver have suddenly entered a major bull market. Last week, gold hit an all-time high […]

Investors! Do You Live in Fear or Faith?


“Oh, ye of little faith! If you have faith of a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove. Nothing shall be impossible unto you.” — Matthew 17:20 As investors, we live in fear, not faith. We fear the pandemic, we fear the economic depression and we fear a […]

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