Investor CAFÉ Newsletters

What Senator Rand Paul Told Me Last Night


Last night, my wife and I hosted a reception and fundraiser for Senator Rand Paul and his wife Kelley at our new home in California (See the photo below.) We had over 50 investors and concerned citizens attend. Sen. Paul and his wife have written a full-length critique, “The Case Against Socialism.” They have done a great job exposing the failure of […]

Gold vs. Equities: Which Is Better For 2020?


“Wall Street and the economy are two different things.” — Milton Friedman I just returned from the Orlando MoneyShow, where investors were optimistic and dismissed the fear of a health epidemic. Yet, the coronavirus is taking its toll. The Chinese economy is tanking, commodity prices are plunging and interest rates are hitting new lows. At one […]

Fast Money: Ten Days Driving a Tesla


“You have to buy the right stock in the right way at the right time.”  — Larry Williams In my “Financial Economics” class here at Chapman University, I asked students the following question: Which of the following markets offers the average investor the best way to make money fast? Penny mining stocks Stock options Non-dividend-paying growth stocks Commodity futures Emerging […]

Which Is More Important, Earnings or Dividends?


“Dividend growth is the true signal of a prospering company.” — Lowell Miller, “The Single Best Investment” Most Wall Street analysts believe that earnings, not dividends, are the key to the performance of a publicly traded company. After all, dividends come from earnings. If a company wants to pay a higher dividend, the payout must come […]

What Happens If Your Favorite Guru Loses His Magic Touch?


“Funds don’t have track records, but fund managers do.” — Alex Green, Oxford Club “There’s no such thing as the goose that lays the golden egg forever.” — Jim Simons, Renaissance Technologies Fund I’ve written recently about legendary money managers who used to beat the market for years, but then suddenly lost their magic touch. For example, […]

How to Make Big Money: Be a Short-Term Trader!


“The way to make big money is to be right at exactly the right time.” — Edwin Lefevre (p. 180, “The Maxims of Wall Street”) “Math wins!” — Jim Bowen, First Trust Chicago (p. 90) Special Announcement: My publisher, Salem Eagle, has just posted my special 40th Anniversary Report, “Seven Golden Lessons: An Editor’s Perspective After 40 Years.” It contains all […]

Seven Golden Lessons Learned on Wall Street: An Editor’s Perspective After 40 Years


“A sailor does not learn his trade by sailing on calm seas.” — Old mariner saying This issue marks the 40th anniversary of my writing Forecasts & Strategies. During the past 40 years, I have written more than 500 issues and special reports with almost never missing a deadline; traveled to 50 states and 78 […]

Is a Monetary Crisis Coming Soon? Report from the AEA Meetings in San Diego


“The United States is engaged in a massive, ever-expanding and reckless Ponzi scheme that is dangerous and immoral.” — Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, Boston University  “I should have followed your advice!” — Bunker Hunt, ex-billionaire, to Mark Skousen I attended the American Economic Association (AEA) meetings in San Diego over the weekend. Top economists, including former Fed Chairs Janet […]

Will the 20s Roar Again?


Hindsight may be 20/20, but foresight is still 50-50.” — Norman Sharief, in “The Maxims of Wall Street” “If we have enough data, I know we can made accurate predictions.” — Jim Simons, the world’s most successful trader Happy New Year! The New Twenties are here. The big question in the minds of investors is: Will we enjoy another Roaring […]

Watch Out for a Major Liquidity Crisis in 2020 and Beyond!


“The light on Wall Street can at any time go from green to red without pausing at yellow.” — Warren Buffett I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. Now, I have an important message as we approach the new year. In 1989, Libertarian investment writer Harry Browne wrote a book called “The Economic Time […]

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