Investor CAFÉ Newsletters

May Day! May Day! Is Government Out of Control? What It Means to Investors


“It seems monstrously wrong to surrender the world to the looters, and monstrously wrong to live under their rule.” — Francisco d’Anconia (“Atlas Shrugged,” by Ayn Rand) “Everything will end badly.” — Bill Henry (“Maxims of Wall Street,” p. 111) The Four Horsemen of Free Enterprise Meet Up! Yesterday, I co-moderated a unique two-hour MoneyShow webinar, an Economic Summit. Steve Moore, […]

A World Turned Upside Down: Are We Heading for Inflation or Deflation?


  “It’s a World Turned Upside Down” — Theme of the Ruff Times Convention, 1979. Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, I was part of a big debate in the hard-money movement. Were we headed for more inflation ahead or a massive deflationary depression? I collect rare books from that crisis era. One is “Survive […]

We have THE Vaccine to End ‘The Great Suppression’!


“The health and wealth of a large number of individual businesses — small, medium and large – determine the economic health and wealth of a nation.  When they succeed, managers create wealth, income and jobs for large numbers of people. When they fail, working people and their families suffer.” — Shlomo Maital (Visiting Professor MIT Sloan […]

Which Should You Buy Now: Stocks, Oil or Gold?


Note: I have a special announcement at the end of this edition of Skousen CAFÉ and a suggestion regarding what to do when the market is closed on Good Friday. See below. Warning Before the Deluge On Monday, the federal government released gross output (GO) figures for the fourth quarter of 2019. The figures indicated that […]

How to Save a Suffering Investor’s Soul


“Conservative investors sleep well.” — Philip Fisher (p. 135, “Maxims of Wall Street”)  Like most Americans, my wife recently went to the grocery store and stocked up on food and other essentials in preparation for the economic lockdown. One of my favorites is Lipton’s Chicken Soup, which is highly nutritious and even medicinal for the common […]

How to Never Lose Money Again in the Stock Market


“Warren Buffett’s #1 Rule: Never Lose Money! “Rule #2: See Rule #1.” Warren Buffett’s #1 rule is easier said than done. His own investment firm, Berkshire Hathaway, has lost as much as 40% of its money in bear markets over the years! On my shelf, I have a book entitled “Wealth Without Risk,” which was written by the late Charles […]

King Dollar: Up, Up, and Away!


“The U.S. Dollar will remain the world’s currency for the next fifty years.” — Warren Buffett Despite the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) policy and its decision to cut short-term interest rates to zero (the interest on 90-day T-bills fell below zero today), the dollar continues to surge ahead. And we’re profiting in my Forecasts & Strategies and […]

There is Hope for Investors — Look At This Chart!


 “Never underestimate the size of a panic, nor the power of a politician.” – Sir Harry Schultz (p. 112, “Maxims of Wall Street”) After the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a “pandemic” yesterday, Wall Street suddenly entered bearish territory and fell more than 20% in just one month! Talk about March Madness. Everyone is panicking. In this issue, […]

We Already Have a Wealth Tax, and It’s a Lot!


It dawned on me the other day when I was preparing to give a lecture to my Chapman University students on the cardinal principles of taxation. I suddenly realized that a wealth tax as proposed by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and other radical democrats is already in the tax law. It is called RMD — Required Minimum Distributions — that all […]

Is Wall Street on the Brink of Disaster?


“Beware of a ‘black swan’ event that could derail the longest running bull market in history.” — January 2020 Prediction Issue, Forecasts & Strategies My prediction of a “black swan” event just eight weeks ago has hit the global economy fast and furiously, threatening the bull market.  Some experts are now predicting a global pandemic […]

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