Investor CAFÉ Newsletters

Trump and the Return of the Luddites


“Protection will lead us to prosperity and strength.” — Donald J. Trump In his Inaugural Address, President Donald Trump began with a libertarian statement, “We are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.”  That statement has helped the stock market hit new highs, and the Dow to go […]

The Economy Is Back on Track: Good News for Trump


The economy is now moving from “slow growth” to robust growth. Today, the federal government released data on the economy that supported this optimistic outlook, and it explains why the stock market has done well since Donald Trump was elected as the next U.S. president. Gross output (GO), the top line of national income accounting, […]

Say’s Law vs. Keynes’ Law: Which More Accurately Reflects Reality?


“They say children are the future, but really teachers are the key to the future.” — Author Unknown We all know that teachers, especially at the college level when students are away from their parents, can have tremendous influence on young minds. Here’s a good example. I like to ask ask my economics students,“Which is […]

2017, The Year of the CEO: We’re Back in Business!


“After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of the opinion that the great majority of people will always find these the moving impulses of our life.” — Calvin Coolidge (1925) “Small businesses are the […]

How to Make a Killing in the Market


“It is incredible the quantity of good that may be done in a country by a single man who will make a business out of it, and not suffer himself to be diverted from that purpose by different avocations, studies or amusements.” — Benjamin Franklin “More than anything else, I want to be rich.” — […]

Supply Side is Back: What it Means for Stocks and the Dollar


“The government doesn’t create resources, it distributes them.” –Art Laffer This week, I met up with the Four Horsemen of the Supply Side Revolution — Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow, Art Laffer and Steve Moore — at a private event sponsored by the Committee to Unleash the Economy. All four supply-siders are officially or informally advising Donald Trump […]

How Important Is Trade? It’s ‘Yuge!’


“No nation was ever ruined by trade… The system of America is universal commerce with every nation; and war with none.” — Benjamin Franklin (1774, 1778) Two weeks ago, I was a speaker on my first Forbes cruise, hosted by Steve Forbes. Another speaker was Mark Mills, an energy expert from the Manhattan Institute. He […]

Is the Golden Age of Investing Over? Yes for Bonds, No for Stocks!


For the past week, I’ve been on my first Forbes cruise in the Caribbean with more than 150 investors. Speakers not only included me but also billionaire Ken Fisher, Fox Business hosts David Asman and Elizabeth MacDonald and energy expert Mark Mills. On the “Forbes on Fox Live!” panel, we debated whether the Trump rally […]

SALT vs. Ruff: A Tale of Two Conferences


“He who is a bear on the United States will eventually go broke.” — J. P. Morgan In the early 1980s, I was a keynote speaker at most of the Ruff National Conventions. These “doom-and-gloom” conferences were hosted by Howard Ruff, who died on Nov. 12. As I told the New York Times and Wall […]

Rough Lessons from Howard Ruff


“And I hope when I get old I don’t just sit around thinking about it, but I probably will. Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture a little of the glory days.” — Bruce Springsteen, “Glory Days” “He was a self-made millionaire. Twice. He lost it all. Twice. He often said he learned more from […]

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