Investor CAFÉ Newsletters

Is Fed Money Going from Easy Money to Tight Money?


“Don’t fight the Fed!” — Maxim of Wall Street Since the financial crisis of 2008, the Fed has adopted a three-pronged easy-money policy: Increase its balance sheet by purchasing and holding $4 trillion worth of Treasury securities and mortgages; Sharply reduce interest rates to practically zero; and Expand the supply of money (M2) at 6-8% […]

Medicaid Now Surpasses Medicare!


I previously wrote about the A&W Pledge as a sound economic policy that is often violated. “A” stands for “accountability,” the idea that users should pay for the goods or services they buy, including health care and food. “W” stands for “welfare,” that you should only help those who really need help. The secret to […]

How I Made the Forbes Billionaire Issue!


My picture is found on page 119 of the latest Forbes billionaire issue dated March 28, 2017. To find out the details, click on the link at the end of this article. Meanwhile… First, I want to make a confession: I indeed may qualify to be in the top 1% of American income earners, but […]

Take the A&W Pledge for Better Government


Last week, I appeared on CNBC with Rick Santelli, where I talked about the A&W Pledge (to bring back sanity in government) and the outlook for the markets. Check it out here. Every year I teach my students the sound principles of A&W, two concepts vital to a strong and effective government. I’ve also given […]

Warren Buffett Admits Defeat But Still Outperforms!


NOTE: I was on CNBC this morning with Rick Santelli to talk about the new Republican alternative to ObamaCare. The Republican health care bill offers two good changes that would remove the individual mandate and expand Health Savings Accounts, but it didn’t go far enough towards sound economic principles. In the interview, I discussed the […]

Is the Stock Market Trumped up?


In his first “state of the union” address, President Donald Trump hit a home run with investors, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average skyrocketed above 21,000 the next day. The new president promised tax cuts for corporations and the middle class, less regulation in business and medicine and lots of new jobs. So far Trump […]

Who’s Your Favorite Libertarian Financial Guru?


“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” — Disney’s “Snow White” Almost 2,000 people already have voted for their favorite libertarian in the just-released survey sponsored by FreedomFest and Newsmax magazine. The survey is to find “The Top 50 Most Influential Libertarians.” Choose among your favorites in politics, business, the media, authors […]

Do Young People Care about Saving for Retirement?


“Two of the hardest things to do are save when you’re young and spend when you’re old.” — “Maxims of Wall Street” Last week, I spoke before a group of several hundred college students at the Orlando MoneyShow. The one-day seminar was called MoneyShow University. The speaker before me was a bright young lady representing […]

Trump’s Effect on the U.S. Economy


The Economist magazine recently asked this question about the United States: “Which is it? The home of free speech, the rule of law, and the rich world’s most dynamic economy? Or a land of social decay, septic politics, and the rich world’s worst roads and schools?” U.S. President Donald Trump is upbeat about making America […]

Dow 20,000: Are We Near the End or the Beginning?


Last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average finally climbed over the milestone of 20,000 after President Donald Trump signaled support for the Keystone Pipeline and froze new Obamacare regulations. My Forecast & Strategies subscribers took full advantage by being 100% invested. Then, the market retreated after President Trump imposed a temporary ban on refugees and immigrants […]

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