Investor CAFÉ Newsletters

Are Stocks Overvalued?


“The golden age of investing is over.” — Robert Shiller, Yale University Is the stock market overvalued? Many pundits, including Robert Shiller and Mark Hulbert, think so, based on traditional measures such as the price-earnings (P/E) ratio, dividend yield, price/book, price/sales, CAPE and the q-ratio. CAPE is Yale Professor Robert Shiller’s favorite index that measures the […]

Why I’m Still 100% Invested in the Most Disrespected Bull Market in History


“A bull market is one that can shake off even bad news.” — Don Gimpel In addition to the old saying on Wall Street above, there‘s another one that says: “bull markets climb a wall of worry.” (All of these are found in my book “The Maxims of Wall Street” — to order, see below.) […]

Guess Who’s Supporting a Guaranteed Income for All Americans


IQ-Squared sponsored a debate last Sunday on a “universal basic income” proposal — the idea of giving every American adult $1,000 a month and instantly ending poverty. You can watch the debate here: The four debaters were: –Charles Murray (AEI scholar and a “libertarian”) –Andrew Stern (former president of a service union and scholar […]

How My GO Statistic Predicted a Rebound


“GO is a leading indicator of GDP by six to 12 weeks.” — David Ranson, chief economist, HCWE & Co. I appeared today on CNBC with Rick Santelli to talk about the economy and the stock market. Watch it here. One of the reasons I’ve been bullish on the stock market and the economy is […]

Global Investing Giant Jim Rogers Warns of Cyclical Downturn ‘Soon’


“FreedomFest doesn’t just ride the wave, it invents the wave.” — John Fund, National Review It was a triumph! Our 10th anniversary celebration of FreedomFest was a huge success, with over 2,100 subscribers, wealthy investors and concerned citizens joining us at the Paris Resort in Las Vegas. CNN did a major story on us. Watch […]

Will Jamie Dimon’s Rant Create Another Tea Party Movement?


“We have become one of the most bureaucratic, confusing and litigious societies on the planet…We need to get our act together.” — Jamie Dimon, CEO, JPMorgan/Chase The stock market has defied the Cassandras and continues to move higher, despite failure of the Trump administration to advance its agenda of cutting taxes and regulations. We will […]

Is Your Success Due to Luck or Skill?


“You didn’t build that.” — President Barack Obama Next week’s big 10th anniversary FreedomFest will include a number of debates, including Trump debate II…. “Saul Alinsky, Radical Revolutionary or Freedom Fighter”… “Can you Really Beat the Market?”… and “Should We Tax the Rich More?” pitting Steve Moore against Lanny Ebenstein, a professor at the University […]

The Government Can Steal Anything, Including a Skyscraper!


At this year’s FreedomFest, which starts in two weeks, we will put “The Police on Trial.” In recent times, law enforcement has gotten out of control. Police have been emboldened by SWAT teams, aggressively discriminate against minorities and engage in abusive tactics such as “no knock” raids, “stop and frisk,” asset forfeiture laws and a […]

What Can We Learn from Canada? A Lot!


Over the years, I’ve visited Canada many times, mainly to speak at investment conferences. I’ve been to Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Last year, my wife and I, along with Newt Gingrich, his wife Callista and subscribers of my Forecasts & Strategies investment newsletter, took a cruise to Eastern Canada. It personally was a gratifying trip […]

Wholly Cow! Jeff Bezos Joins John Mackey in Creating a Whole New Brand of Capitalism


“It’s absolutely essential that the people who work for a company need to feel that they’re part of something bigger — that it’s not just a job.” — John Mackey One of my long-time friends is John Mackey, CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods Market, who is in the forefront promoting “Conscious Capitalism” and his […]

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