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Eureka! The Missing Link Between Micro and Macro Revealed!


“When asked for a short reading list to introduce economics, I respond by recommending two volumes by Mark Skousen: Economic Logic and The Making of Modern Economics. They provide a superb one-two punch.” — Prof. Steve H. Hanke, The Johns Hopkins University Steve Hanke is considered the #3 most influential economist (behind Paul Krugman and Nate […]

Why Prices Keep Rising: My Favorite Inflation Hedge(s)


Why Prices Keep Rising: My Favorite Inflation Hedge(s) “What is the most dangerous threat to your investments? Inflation.” — Paul Cabot (“Maxims of Wall Street,” p. 149) Last week’s FreedomFest was a triumph! Nearly 2,100 attendees jammed into the new Caesars Forum Convention Center in Las Vegas. Dozens came up to me to express their […]

My Second Most Important Lesson on Wall Street


“I am writing in times of unprecedented economic pessimism.” — Lord Matt Ridley, author, “The Rational Optimist” (2010) “The world has made spectacular progress in every single measure of human well-being. Almost no one knows about it.” — Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, author, “Enlightenment Now” (2018) I’m at FreedomFest today, 7-11 in Vegas! (See my […]

The Single Most Important Lesson on Wall Street (You Might Be Surprised)


“The art of investing is being able to adjust to change.” — Gerald Loeb, “The Battle for Investment Survival” Happy Fourth of July! See my special offer below in honor of financial independence. I was reminded of the #1 lesson in investing when the drug store Walgreens fell a dramatic 28% last Thursday after reporting dismal earnings. […]

The #1 Reason Why Wall Street Outperforms


Time to Take Action: We’re getting 30-50 new sign-ups every day at FreedomFest. But be aware — on July 1, next Monday, our registration fee will increase by $100. Save $50 this week with code EAGLE50. Details below. The first major presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will take place this evening, Thursday, June 27. I’ll have a […]

These Two Books Battle It Out on College Campuses


“The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.” — John […]

One Event Like This One Can Transform Society


“It is incredible the quantity of good that may be done in a country by a single man who will make a business of it.” — Benjamin Franklin Last month’s Libertarian National Convention was held on Memorial Day weekend. In my breakfast address, I told a memorable story about a small but profitable grocery store […]

Without _________, There Would Be No Charities, NGOs or Political Campaign SuperPACs


“Big business is the ideal social institution.” — Peter Drucker Personal Note: Today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I salute all those soldiers who have sacrificed their lives so that we could live free. Special Announcement: I’m happy to report that our full schedule of speakers, panels and topics at this year’s FreedomFest have […]

My Most Successful Way to Convert Students to Free-Market Capitalism


Last weekend, the Libertarian National Convention invited me to give a breakfast address entitled, “My Most Successful Way to Convert Students to Free-Market Capitalism.” The subject attracted a large crowd. I told them that I’ve given a speech on campuses across the country with a title that attracts young socialists of all kinds: “What’s Better […]

You Can Profit from the New ‘Roaring Twenties’


“The best investments are often those that look dead wrong when they are made.” — “Maxims of Wall Street,” p. 34. During the Inflationary Seventies, I read “You Can Profit from the Coming Monetary Crisis,” written by hard-money devotee Harry Browne.  His book became #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. He warned of […]

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