Gmail and Hotmail Email Guidance

Warning for subscribers using Gmail and Hotmail. Please read this…

We recently discovered that thousands of subscribers who are using Gmail and Hotmail may be missing out on our top “Buy” and “Sell” recommendations from Dr. Mark Skousen.

Due to recent changes with Gmail and Hotmail, many of our most important recommendations are likely being misdirected to your “Promotions” or “Spam” or “Junk Email” folder, where they can be easily overlooked. This could be causing you to miss out on timely trade alerts and investment opportunities.

Action to Take -> Despite our best efforts to resolve this issue on our end, the single best solution for you is to simply add our email address, which is to your Gmail and Hotmail contact list. It takes just seconds to do this and can help make sure you’re getting the same investment opportunities that other email users are receiving.

For Gmail Users:

Here is a brief diagram that shows one simple way to add us to your contact list:

Please click here to increase the size of the above image.


For Hotmail Users:

All of your emails will be found in your “Junk Email” folder.

Please click here to increase the size of the above image.

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