Investor CAFÉ Newsletters

Skousen Investor CAFE: What Did C-SPAN’s Brian Lamb Say?


At Wednesday night’s Social Entrepreneurship Awards dinner sponsored by the Manhattan Institute, honoree Brian Lamb of C-SPAN said that he was proud that his organization has never received a dime in government funding at the federal, state or local level (unlike PBS). […]

Skousen CAFE: Brace Yourself for Four More Years of a Battered Economy under Obama


It’s incredible that the majority of American voters rejected electing business leader Mitt Romney to become the next U.S. president, since he was the best choice to make the American economy boom again. […]

Skousen CAFE: Why I Tore up My Medicare Card


I just returned from the famed New Orleans conference ( I’ve been speaking there since the late 1970s, and I am considered a conference veteran. […]

Skousen CAFE: Is Obama Responsible for the Stock Market Rally?


“Wall Street may not cheer, but Obama’s been good for stocks.” — Jeff Sommer, New York Times (October 21, 2012) Back in 1989, when I started my investment newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies, candidate Ronald Reagan used to ask, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” For investors who stayed fully invested during […]

Skousen CAFE: Why I Burned My Social Security Card


Today, I turned 65 years old, the traditional retirement age. I have no intention of retiring; I love what I do, such as writing my investment newsletter. My question now: should I sign up for Social Security? […]

Skousen CAFE: United States Downgraded Again by Economic Freedom Index


The Fraser Institute’s 2012 Economic Freedom Index was just released last week. The index is compiled by Florida State University Professor Jim Gwartner and other top free-market economists. It ranks 120 countries by five criteria: size of government, legal system, sound money, free trade and regulation. The latest index paints a negative picture of the […]

Skousen CAFE: Who REALLY Won the Debate?


The overnight polls indicate that Gov. Mitt Romney trounced President Obama in the first presidential debate last night in Denver: 46% gave the victory to Romney, while only 22% offered their nod to Obama. I’m sure Romney will get a bounce in the national polls and in the swing states this week. Intrade, the political futures […]

Skousen Cafe: Can Romney Make a Comeback?


Can Romney make a comeback? Yes, if he can reinvent himself and become more likeable. Newt Gingrich offered him some advice: Take on the media, Gingrich wrote in a Sept. 26 column in Human Events: […]

Skousen Cafe: Lessons Learned from My Weekend in Medellin Could Help Mexico


I spent the weekend in Medellin, Colombia, and I am amazed at the growth of this South American country, largely due to the efforts of its former President Alvaro Uribe. Prior to his presidency, Colombia was rocked with Marxist terrorism, out-of-control drug lords, and sharply rising crime rates. Business leaders were kidnapped and wealthy Colombians […]

Skousen Investor Cafe: Fed Panics – Unprecedented Dangerous Inflation Coming


Ben Bernanke is so anxious to keep his position as Fed chairman and re-elect President Obama that he is willing to risk the Fed’s long-standing political independence and, even worse, a runaway inflation. Today, in an unprecedented and controversial move, the Federal Reserve announced an unending round of “Quantitative Easing” of $40 billion a month […]

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