Elon Musk – Ron Baron Conf. – Free Rpt Lead Gen

My Challenge to Elon Musk — the World’s Richest Man

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Hi, Mark Skousen here. I was recently in New York to attend the annual Baron Investment Conference, hosted by money manager Ron Baron.

Its special guest was none other than Elon Musk, and I was one of two attendees given the opportunity to ask him a question.

I started off quoting the Roman philosopher Seneca from my book, The Maxims of Wall Street:

“There is no great genius without a touch of madness,” to which Musk responded, “I like the madness part!”

I then followed up with a “challenge” to the planet’s wealthiest human.

I asked Musk why investors should buy Tesla stock, considering the company’s valuation (selling at 70 times earnings)…

When you could instead invest in Mercedes Benz – which sells at 5 times earnings and yields around 9%?

My challenge to Musk created quite a sensation, going viral on Facebook and other social media.

In fact, I’ve detailed Musk’s controversial answer, along with the full research on my #1 investments for 2023, in a brand-new report.

The report — “My Challenge to Elon Musk… PLUS the Best Way To Own Dividend Stocks” — comes with my compliments. To read it right now, simply tell me where to send it in the box above.

Kind regards,

Dr. Mark Skousen
Top 20 Living Economist, bestselling author, college professor and award-winning investment director of Forecasts & Strategies, and the Five Star Trader trading service

“Mark Skousen should get the Nobel Prize in Economics.”

—Steve Forbes

“Mark Skousen is one of the best economists I know.”

—Larry Kudlow, Former Director,
National Economic Council
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