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Welcome to Dr. Mark Skousen’s
Forecasts & Strategies

I’m Mark Skousen, and I’m excited to welcome you to my Forecasts & Strategies service.

You see, Forecasts & Strategies is unlike any financial advisory publication in the world.

For over 40+ years now, it’s clearly revealed my market perspective, exclusive insights and money-protecting strategies. 

You don’t last 40 days in this business, let alone 40 years, unless you’re good.

You must be trusted if you’re able to stick around for that long.

You see, Forecasts & Strategies is NOT just another initiative or pet project. It’s the culmination of my entire career.

PhD Economist… CIA Analyst… and direct contact with the key players at the highest level of Government and Wall Street.

Forecasts & Strategies is the crowning achievement of my life, and I take it very seriously.

Every month –since the beginning of Ronald Reagan’s first administration– I have published this newsletter to show readers smart ways to profit, no matter how the markets are behaving… or what’s happening in the world (even now, during this unprecedented market turmoil.)

By following the instructions, you’ll be able to hit the ground running and be well on your way to changing your financial future.

In the next few minutes, you’ll receive the login details to our private online community, where you’ll have access to:

  • 12 Monthly Issues of Forecasts & Strategies: You’ll get a complete write-up directly from me explaining the stock and why I’m adding it now.
  • Weekly Hotlines: In-depth analysis and important updates on stocks in our model portfolio, plus insights into opportunities I’m currently researching.
  • Instant Market Updates: The minute a fast-moving development occurs, you’ll get an alert, so you can lock-in profits and minimize losses.
  • Live Quarterly Conference Calls: An exclusive benefit that lets subscribers get real-time portfolio updates, actionable investment ideas, and even answers to your questions (many say it’s one of the best “perks” of membership).
  • VIP Customer Service Team: If you have any questions or problems with your subscription or accessing your member benefits, simply give them a call or email.
  • 24/7 Members-Only Website: Log in to our members-only website any time – day or night. Here you’ll find a comprehensive overview of our model portfolios, all of our recommendations, and a constantly expanding library of Special Reports on specific, time-sensitive opportunities.

Your Membership Includes a
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I want you to understand that if, for any reason, you feel Forecasts & Strategies is not right for you, you can simply contact the VIP Customer Service Team in the next 30 days and you will receive a full refund of your membership.

You can keep your free report, as my way of saying “Thank You” for giving Forecasts & Strategies a try.

That’s just how confident I am.

Now, normally a full year of Forecasts & Strategies is normally $249. Combined with the cost of the Special Report, you’ve got a total of $448 worth of my insights, recommendations and strategies.

However, with this special offer you won’t have to pay anything close to that.

Today only, you’ll pay just $99.95 for a one year membership.

I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. All you have to do to join me is complete the form below and your membership will be activated immediately.

Or, if you’d prefer, you can sign up by phone; just call our VIP Customer Service Team at 800-211-7661, Monday-Friday, 9-5 Eastern Time or send them an email at CustomerService@MarkSkousen.com

I look forward to working with you.


Mark Skousen
Editor, Forecasts & Strategies